I think it’s safe to say that spring has sprung. The magpies are swooping here in Australia and the days are getting warmer and longer.
Sometimes we can get stuck in some kind of “funk”, especially during a change of season. Having a consistent morning routine can help keep you on track and set you up for the day.
What is your morning routine like? Do you have one? Are you set in your ways, or do you just go with the flow?
Starting the day right is so important. Whatever your vibe is, here are 5 activities we like to practice and incorporate into our morning routine to start our days at Aloé.
- Wake up early and watch the sunrise if you can! Did you know sunlight can increase your serotonin levels? When sunlight enters your eyes, it stimulates the parts of your retina that then cue your brain to produce serotonin. Serotonin can assist with mood regulation, emotions, appetite and even digestion. Sunlight literally makes you happy from the inside out ~ Do not stare directly into the sun though for obvious reasons!
- Move your body, get those juices and endorphins flowing! Go for a walk or a gym class. If you’re lucky enough to live near the ocean, a surf or ocean dip is always so rejuvenating.
- If you have time, even if it is 5 minutes, set your intentions for the day. Grab a cup of tea or coffee and complete a 5 minute meditation to clear the mind, or perhaps repeat some daily self-love affirmations out loud such as:
-I am strong.
-I am beautiful.
-I am powerful.
-I can overcome anything.
-No one is me and that is my power.
- Fuel your body with a healthy breakfast. A breaky smoothie if you’re on the go or maybe you like your overnight soaked oats with fresh berries, or eggs on dark rye sourdough toast. Food is fuel.

*Images via Pintrest.
- Most importantly, be kind to yourself…….Lastly, try not to go on social media until you have done at least 2 of the above!
We would love to hear what tricks you incorporate into your morning routines. Let us know by leaving a comment below xx